Vilhelm Hallberg - Atelier Chardon Savard - Marcomedia
Phobia – Atelier Chardon Savard - Marcomedia
My name is Vilhelm Hallberg, and I was born in Stockholm, Sweden. I have always been incredibly curious about everything, which has led me to inspiring encounters
with people and places.
Since the day I realized my parents aren’t superheroes, I have been questioning everything. It’s a match made in haven to questioning everything and to be part of the fashion industry. I lived a busy and enjoyable life until I didn’t, and I picked up fashion that always have been in my interested, but I never had the
courage to dedicate myself to it until a few years back.
I believe my renewed passion for fashion came back to me because of my grandmother, whom I used to find annoying (though she really wasn’t). As a child, she would make me braid and watch her create garments. This allowed me to spend quality time with her instead of constantly running around. She was one fabulous
seamstress, and her influence is part of the reason I decided to move to Berlin and study Fashion Design at Atelier Chardon Savard.
Inspiration for the collection
The collection finds its inspiration in questioning why modern society associates the unknown with danger. It explores the theory that fear of the unknown is shaped by human behavior throughout history and influences our perception in the present and the future. The collection reflects on Western views of domination, drawing parallels to the European conquests during the Renaissance and picturing dangerous creatures from outer space.
It combines the aesthetics of 17th–18th-century Southern Europe with the distinct Alien creations from H.R. Giger’s work in the “Alien” movies.
Aiming to unlock the possibilities hidden within the unknown, the collection incorporates traditional fabrics and objects that are transformed through unfamiliar techniques, such as broken mirrors incorporated in layers of transparent materials or fine “dentelle”, coated and sculpted with resin.
The prints, inspired by Giger’s alien skin textures, are developed through both analogue painting techniques and digitally created designs, while the tailoring, inspired by the Renaissance era’s nobility’s attire, is interpreted in new volumes through draping techniques and incorporates details of the “Aliens” aesthetic.
Playing with iconic representations of dominance and fear, “Phobia” aims to evoke strong emotions and encourage viewers to break free from preconceived notions.